Anonymous Brooklyn 2022 | Deep Field
Anonymous Brooklyn is for everyone.
Anonymous Brooklyn is an installation built one person at a time. Over the course of New York City Jewelry Week all artists are invited to bring a piece of jewelry for display In the Gallery at Brooklyn Metal Works. All the work will be placed on one wall, and each artist will have only small nails to hang their piece. (We will have a hammer of course!) This is an accumulation, an accretion. Whoever hangs the first piece gets the first pick of placement and from there it grows. It might grow over, it might grow under. No artist will harm the work of another, but elbows will rub, hair may fall in your eyes, and proximity will certainly alter perception.
This call for entries in ongoing throughout the installation period. We will accept works until the installation closes on Nov. 19 at 5pm.
Drop off and installation:
November 14 – 18, 11am – 6pm
November 19, 11am – 5pm
Opening November 19, 6 – 9pm
November 20, 11am – 6pm
November 21, 11am – 6pm
In the Gallery @ Brooklyn Metal Works
640 Dean Street Floor 2
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Bring us your jewelry. One person, one piece. Check our open hours to bring and install the work. Your work will go through a formal documentation process where we photograph the work and receive your information. You will be given a coat check number in exchange for your work. You will participate in an installation performance. You will be photographed installing the piece and all pertinent information about that piece will be offered to the interwebs on all of our available platforms. Participants must be willing to wear a mask while performing these tasks. No name attribution will ever be publicly associated with the works or released by BKMW. If a work sells the name of the artist will be disclosed to the buyer if desired.
To participate in Anonymous Brooklyn, fill out this form before dropping off work.
All you need to do is fill out our intake form and then come by and install your pieces during our open hours. There is no review process to accept works, everyone is invited to submit one piece. Just fill out the form here!
Anonymous Brooklyn 2021 Opening Party